The Board of Directors of AS “Rīgas kuģu būvētava”, unified registration number 40003045892, legal address at Gāles iela 2, Rīga, LV–1015, convenes an Annual Shareholders’ Meeting of AS “Rīgas kuģu būvētava”. A Meeting will be held on June 30th, 2022 at 11.00 o’clock.
Hereby the Board of Directors of the Company informs that considering the Covid–19 pandemic in order to protect health of the Company’s shareholders, employees and society as a whole, an Annual Shareholders’ Meeting of AS “Rīgas kuģu būvētava” will be held distantly.
The Agenda of a Meeting:
- Report of the Board of Directors on performance of the Company in 2021;
- Report of the Council on the Annual Report 2021 of the Company;
- Report of the Auditor on the Annual Report 2021;
- Approval of the Annual Report 2021 of the Company;
- Distribution of the Company’s profit of the year 2021;
- Election of the Council and determining of the remuneration to its members;
- On the exclusion of shares of the Company from the regulated market;
- Approval of the auditor of the Company for 2021.
The Company encourages the shareholders to apply for participation in the meeting by sending the application in free form to e–mail address: sapulce@riga–, and those shareholders who have applied for participation in the meeting on its e–mails will receive a link for participation in the meeting.
The Company kindly request the shareholders who will participate in the meeting distantly in the day of the meeting after its closing without delay to send completed and signed electronically with the secure electronic signature voting form, which will be available on website of the Company www.riga–, on website of the central storage of regulated information and website of AS Nasdaq Riga on day of publishing of the draft decisions, to the Company’s e–mail address: sapulce@riga– In such voting will be considered all duly received votes received by the Company on June 30th, 2022.
The shareholders can get acquainted with the draft decisions of Meeting from June 16th, 2022, in working days from 10.00–12.00 o’clock in Rīga, Gāles iela 2, prior registration required by phone +371 67353433.
The record date for participation at the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting of AS “Rīgas kuģu būvētava” is June 20th, 2022. Only those persons, who are shareholders on the record date with the amount of the shares they own on the record date, have rights to participate at the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting of AS “Rīgas kuģu būvētava”.
Shareholders have rights to participate in the Meeting personally or by mediation of their legal representatives or authorized persons. Upon registration shareholders shall present a personal identification document. When shareholders participate in the Meeting by mediation of their legal representatives or authorized persons, representatives and authorized persons of shareholders shall also submit written power of attorney of the represented shareholder. Legal representatives shall present a document certifying their authorization.
The shareholders, who represent at least 1/20 shares of the equity capital of the AS “Rīgas kuģu būvētava”, have rights within 7 (seven) days after the publication of the notification to require the institution, which convenes the Shareholders’ Meeting, to include additional issue in the Agenda of the Meeting. The shareholders, who propose to include additional issues on the Agenda of the Shareholders’ Meeting, have obligation to submit to the institution, which convenes the Shareholders’ Meeting, the draft resolution on the issues they are proposing to include in the Agenda, or explanation on the issues for which no resolution will be adopted. The shareholders have rights within 7 (seven) days after the publication of the notification on convening of Shareholders’ Meeting is released to submit draft resolutions on issues included in the agenda of the Shareholders’ Meeting. Shareholders have rights to submit draft resolutions on issues included in the Agenda of the Shareholders’ Meeting during the Meeting, if all the draft resolutions submitted to the Shareholders’ Meeting are considered and rejected. If a shareholder submits a written request to the Board of Directors at least 7 (seven) days before the Shareholders’ Meeting, the Board of Directors has obligation to provide him the required information on the issues included in the Agenda at least 3 (thee) days before the Shareholders’ Meeting. Upon request of the Shareholders, the Board of Directors is obliged to provide to the Shareholders’ Meeting information on the Company’s economic situation in such scope that is sufficient for consideration of the respective issue of the Agenda and objective resolution.
Information on the Shareholders’ Meeting and Shareholders rights is also available on website of the central storage of regulated information and website of Nasdaq Riga AS
The total amount of shares and total amount of the shares with voting rights of AS “Rīgas kuģu būvētava” is 11 672 107.
The Board of Directors of AS “Rīgas kuģu būvētava”